‘Happy Marriage’ ala Aktris Nikki Reed
Nikki Reed, 29 tahun, mengunggah beberapa foto dirinya bersama sang suami di akun Instagram miliknya. Hal ini ia lakukan menjelang ulang tahun ke 39 sang suami, Ian Somerhalder, sebagai ucapan selamat ulang tahun sekaligus ungkapan kebahagiaannya atas pernikahan yang telah ia jalani selama beberapa tahun ini.
“To the only person that loves broccoli and a homemade face mask more than I do… my poet, my dreamer, my favorite guy in the world. A day celebrating you and only you, nothing makes me happier. Another year, an incredible year, one we will surely never forget,” ucap Nikki pada caption foto yang ia unggah pada Kamis lalu.
“It’s hearing your sweet voice singing silly songs with me in the morning. It’s knowing I can always count on you to order five trays of french fries so I can eat four. It’s driving across the country listening to you tell stories from another life. It’s stopping so you can pee every twenty two minutes and waiting for you to say you aren’t sure if you’ll make it in time…every time,” lanjut aktris pemeran film Twillight ini.
“It’s realizing we have not played any music because we always have too much to talk about. It’s watching you make the most outrageous faces trying to get a belly laugh out of our tiny one. Here’s to many more walks listening to you describe every plant, every flower and every tree we pass. To the warm nights spent outside watching you dream out loud under the stars. Thank you for always reminding me that only a handful of things truly matter; flossing, laughing, and not counting how many bottles of wine we went through,” urai Nikki yang menggambarkan bagaimana kesehariannya bersama sang suami.
Untuk mengakhiri ucapannya, Nikki dan Ian yang akan merayakan ulang tahun pernikahan yang ketiga tahun pada bulan April 2018, berbagi rahasia bagaimana mereka bisa menjalani pernikahan mereka dengan penuh kebahagiaan.
“I get it now. The secret to our long happy marriage is this: I need to be in bed by 930, and you need to start manifesting all your dreams at 10. Done. As long as we always find each other for breakfast. Happy birthday to the best partner and father in the world, 39 looks damn good on you. We love you❤️ Ps if a photo could sum up an entire relationship…would the last one in this group be ours? Cheers to mastering the art of synchronized lip licking. We’ve officially made it!” Tutupnya.
Nikki dan Ian menikah pada April 2015 lalu di Malibu, California, setelah sebelumnya bertunangan di bulan January 2015. Pasangan ini pun kini telah dikaruniai seorang anak perempuan bernama Bodhi Soleil Reed Somerhalder yang lahir Juli lalu. And how about you mamas, bagaimana Anda dan suami menjalani pernikahan agar selalu bahagia dan jauh dari konflik? Sharing yuk! (Tammy Febriani/KR/Photo: Various)